Barac’s caves
You will experience unforgettable moments enjoying the impressive beauty of the underground world, formed by nature for thousand of years
Now we know that there are three caves. Some call them the Great and the Small, the Upper and the Lower, and the third one is simply called- the Third, and it allegedly has nothing to do with the first two. Since the latest rediscovery of the cave and its entrance we have called it the New Barac’s cave.
With eco light torches in your hand, we take you through the halls and channel paths and bridges between the grand figure. In this way you will experience memorable moments in the impressive beauty of the underworld, which is formed by nature for thousands of years. Stalactites, stalagmites, stalagnates, oysters, are just part of the cave lavish wealth, which you can see in the 30-minute sightseeing. Cave abundant endemics of the underworld, and the historical genesis goes to the ancient beginnings of creating human civilization.